Puppy Advice

Coping with the new puppy blues

You will no doubt have heard about new parents having the ‘baby blues’. Did you know the ‘puppy blues’ is a thing too? Here’s some advice about coping with the puppy blues.

Women sitting worried with puppy blues

It’s not uncommon for first-time puppy owners to experience what some describe as ‘puppy depression’. Having a new puppy can be extremely demanding. If you’re not prepared for the sleepless nights and puppy potty training problems, you may get the new puppy blues.  

I got a puppy and now I regret it

If you are starting to feel like you regret getting a puppy, ask around or just ask Google. You’ll find you’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of getting a puppy. But the reality can come as a bit of a shock. People often describe parenting (the human kind) as one of life’s best kept secrets. It can be both the most rewarding and yet challenging jobs of our lives. It’s just the same for first-time puppy parents. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you want to wind the clock back to your pre-puppy days. Of course you would like a full night’s sleep and not to be clearing up puddles and poo

When do puppies get easier?

The good news is that having a puppy does get easier but it does require plenty of patience and understanding. Which of course is easier said than done when you are feeling sleep deprived. The first few days with your new pup will be the hardest. This is while they adjust to their new home and life away from their litter. Once your puppy feels more settled they will feel less anxious about sleeping alone. You in turn should start to feel less anxious about your new puppy. 

Like children, puppies need to develop and learn. This doesn’t happen overnight. Be prepared to deal with unexpected puddles in the house or chewed belongings for a while yet.

Your puppy will also go through a teething stage. Yes, puppies lose their teeth just like babies and will need something to chew on to soothe their gums. This is when you need to make sure shoes, children’s toys – and anything else that doesn’t go well with dog teeth marks – is packed away and provide suitable alternatives such as:

  • Puppy safe natural chews like goat or beef hide
  • Kongs
  • Toppls
  • Different textured toys

Others read What to buy for a puppy.

How long does it take a rescue dog to adjust?

The ‘puppy blues’ is not just limited to puppy parents. It is also common among adopters too. It can take a while for an adopted dog to adjust to their new home, particularly if they have had a traumatic experience or have not really been trained. If you are struggling with your adopted dog, get in touch with the rehoming centre they came from. They may advise you to contact a dog behaviourist for extra help.

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  • “I can’t imagine a tutor better than Kelly. She was so reassuring and helpful, and skilled in getting us through the exercises. Her fondness for the dogs and enthusiasm was obvious.”
    —   Emma
  • “Lilly was very friendly and engaging throughout the course. She was also always happy to answer any questions we had at the end of the classes. Our Bonbon absolutely loved Lilly! ”
    —   Molly
  • “I can highly recommend Puppy school. I have owned dogs for over forty years but I still learnt lots of invaluable information to help with life with my new puppy. Puppy School was fun as well as informative. Betty and I both enjoyed them so much, thank you Puppy School and Frankie. ”
    —   Debby
  • “Celia clearly has many years of puppy and dog training, handling and behaviour experience. I would definitely recommend her puppy classes to everyone as she covers quite a range of skills, in a relatively small group, which ensures that every participant is given equal time to learn and practice new skills.”
    —   Jan
  • “Great experience. I’ve been to dog training classes in the past and the instructors can be very “it’s your fault”, “you’re doing it wrong” to the owners, however, Eleanor was very patient, kind, and explained things in a helpful way rather than making you feel like you were at fault. Loved these classes. Rum loved them too!”
    —   Ryan